A C1-C2 SPANISH LEARNER is highly advanced, with the ability to understand complex texts, follow nuanced conversations, and communicate fluently and effectively across social, academic, or professional contexts. At C1, they can articulate detailed arguments and express ideas flexibly, while a C2 learner has near-native command, effortlessly understanding nearly everything they hear or read. They can summarize information from diverse sources, reconstructing it coherently, and express themselves with spontaneity, precision, and fluency, even in highly complex situations.
While most of the NOTILOCAS (crazy stories) in our B2 section are also designed for advanced learners, this selection offers even more challenging stories for upper-intermediate to advanced students. The activities will guide you through the six stages of comprehension, ensuring that by the time you complete them, you’ll have strengthened both your understanding and your vocabulary. Plus, this is practical, everyday vocabulary you can start using right away—the activities are designed to make sure of it!
01. Monos parlanchines (Stages 1-4) (04/04)
02. Monos parlanchines (Stages 5-6) (04/11)
03. Sorpresa mayor (Stages 1-4) (05/02)
04. Sorpresa mayor (Stages 1-4) (05/09)
05. More coming soon…
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These are short, unscripted, fast-paced interviews with native Spanish speakers from different parts of the world, designed for students in the upper-intermediate to advanced spectrum (B2-C2).
Some of these topics are very basic and the conversations very short, but this doesn’t mean easy. As they reflect how people speak in real life, this can be very challenging even for more advanced learners.
As always, the activities will guide you step by step from zero to hero. Just follow the directions to a T, and in no time, you will be reaping the benefits of this kind of challenging, laser-focused material.
1. Entrevista a Bruno de España (Clip #1)
2. Entrevista completa a Bruno de España
3. Entrevista a Camila de Chile (clip#1)
4. Entrevista completa a Alan de Colombia
5. Entrevista a Alan de Colombia (Clip #1)
6. Entrevista completa a Sara de España
7. Entrevista a Sara de España (Clip #1)
8. Conversational Vocabulary, Sara (Clip #2)
9. Entrevista completa a Gretchen de Puerto Rico
10. Gretchen, Vocabulary: TENDER A (Clip #1)
11. Vocabulary: MOVER(SE) VS MUDARSE (Clip #2)
12. Entrevista completa a Miguel de México.
13. Entrevista #2 Completa a Gretchen de Puerto Rico
14. Entrevista a Valeria de Perú
15. Entrevista Completa a Shelley de Colombia
Around mid-2012, I came across some shows from the Golden Era of Radio. I was so fascinated by this idea of families together enjoying a radio show , that I decided to create a novel in the best old-time radio concept.
Mind you, when I set my mind on doing this, I never intended to use it to teach Spanish in any shape or form. It was 100% entertainment for native Spanish speakers.
Fast forward a few months, I had finished my story and produced it as a radio show, and I decided to premier it for a reduced group of friends who, in their own words “loved it”. Of course, when you are dealing with family or friends, you can never know for sure what they actually think. They may not want to hurt your feelings!
However, one day, in one of my advanced Spanish lessons, while trying to find materials to use with my students, I decided to work on this part that I am sharing with you today. I just wanted to see how much of “the real thing” they could handle. I was pleasantly surprised to see my students fascinated by the story and the format of the story itself.
Excited by this feedback, I soon showed it to another group of students, who literally begged me for more content like that one. And what can I say… authors want to be read or listened to. My ego was way too excited to stop there and I soon started to share it with all of my advanced students who couldn’t have enough. It was then that I decided to develop specific activities to turn this entertainment into powerful comprehension and vocabulary boosters.
Mind you, some of this material can be hard for a learner! It has tons of idiomatic expressions, all sorts of crazy uses of the subjunctive here, there, and everywhere, tenses and all the grammar mingling together, and tons of politically incorrect language! And that’s when I realized this could be indeed a terrific tool for learners. It just shows the way people talk, which is not always polite or altruistic, but more focused on dealing with life’s daily challenges.
Unlike everything I brought to you before, this is a long story, approximately 120 minutes long. There are 12 episodes of roughly 10 minutes each, but each 10-minute block is broken down into smaller segments, to make it more useful and productive as a learning tool.
* Listen to the audio as many times as you need to get a feel of what’s going on and then…
* Answer the comprehension questions in the activities and after that…
* Check your answers and…
* Read the attached transcript to see how good your comprehension was.
-> Enjoy the story and…
-> Guess meaning through context.
I would love to hear what you think. And of course, if you have any comments, questions or suggestions, please post them below.
¡Hasta pronto!
Julio 🙂
Waldo 12.1
Waldo 12.2
Waldo 12.3
Waldo 12.4
Waldo 12.5 (03/21)
Waldo 12.6 (04/18)
Waldo 12.7 (04/29)
Waldo 12.8
EPISODE 12 (Consolidation)
These are ridiculously short, yet supercharged activities for vocabulary development and total conversational success.
If you have 5 minutes, you have no excuse not to take your Spanish to the next level.
21. SHELLEY: El aprendizaje de las máquinas
22. SHELLEY: El reemplazo del trabajo humano
This is a selection of cool activities that don’t fit any of the other labels above.
This is a selection of cool activities that don’t fit any of the other labels above.
1. CAMPEONES (2018) ~ Intro ~ (B2-C2)
2. Curso para invertir tus primeros $1000 (1)
3. Curso para invertir tus primeros $1000 (2)
4. Curso para invertir tus primeros $1000 (3)
5. Curso para invertir tus primeros $1000 (4)
6. Curso para invertir tus primeros $1000 (5)
7. Diez posturas de Yoga: Intro
8. Diez posturas de Yoga: calentamiento (1)
9. Diez posturas de Yoga: calentamiento (2)
10. Diez posturas de Yoga: calentamiento (3)
11. El Diario de Greg (1)
12. El Diario de Greg (2)
11. El Diario de Greg (3)
13. Españoles hablan de latinoamericanos (1)
14. Españoles hablan de latinoamericanos (2)
15. Españoles hablan de latinoamericanos (3)
16. Españoles hablan de latinoamericanos (4)
17. Crea libro infantil con Inteligencia Artificial
18. La Historia de AirBnB (1)FREE
19. La Historia de AirBnB (2)
20. La Historia de AirBnB (3)
21. La Historia de AirBnB (4)
22. ¿Qué es el ChatGPT?
23. El Reguetón FREE
24. Los Tres Chiflados
25. Vargas Llosa y el Lenguaje Inclusivo
26. Saldo Cero en su Cuenta (1)
27. Saldo Cero en su Cuenta (2)
28. Saldo Cero en su Cuenta (3)
29. Saldo Cero en su Cuenta (4)
30. Periodista Despedido en Vivo (1) (02/07)
31. Periodista Despedido en Vivo (2) (02/21)
32. Periodista Despedido en Vivo (3) (02/27)
33. Periodista Despedido en Vivo (4) (03/14)
34. Periodista Despedido en Vivo (5) (3/28)
35. IA Organiza Cita (1)
36. IA Organiza Cita (2)